Which are The 7 Chakras in Body ?Functions Of Chakras, Details about It.

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In Yogic Practices chakras are the junctions of human body in which prana (energy) moves from one dimension to other dimension. There are total 114 chakras two are outside the physical body.Instead of going 112 chakras, which is too much of a number for a lot of people, generally only seven were spoke about because of seven dimensions.

Vedas are considered as the philosophy of the Our Indian System and “Chakras”are  considered as the science of Inner body. So where are they described in our scriptures? let’s see. The Chakras as psychic centres of consciousness are first mentioned in the YoGa Upanishad (600 B.C.) and later in the YoGa sutras of patanjali (200 B.C.) The yoga upanishads are the collections of minor upanishads.

Chakras are often linked to nerve centres , glands and major organs in the body, and each of the seven chakras is said to correlate with different abilities, expressions and types of health and psychological states of the mind. Let’s see details of the Chakras “.

1.Muladhara Chakra:

The first chakra is called Muladhara is located at the base of the spine. Muladhara means root , it is associated with element earth, it is symbolised by a lotus with four perals. Muladhara is located near the coccygeal plexus beneath the sacrum , while it’s superficial activation point is perineum and the coccyx or the pelvic bone. Muladhara is the base from which the main three psychic channels or nadis emerge : The Ida , Pingala and Sushumna.

Center: Greatest Joy, Natural pleasure, delight in controlling passion and blissfulness in concentration.

Dhyan: 4 petal lotus with a yellow square at its centre.

Beej Mantra:  लं

Muladhara is considered the foundation of the energy body. kundalini awakening begins here.

Adhipati devta: Chaturbhuja Bramha And Ganesha

2.Swadhishthan Chakra:

Also known as the Aortic plexus or hypogastric plexus. The Swadhishthan Chakra is the source of creativity, pure attention and pure knowledge. This chakra helps to develop speech power , this chakra is closely related to the first chakra.It is related with creativity and sexuality. The yogis say that if you are able to control the second chakra then you will be able to control the sexual desires.

Any disturbance in this chakra can cause a person to become emotionally weak. This chakra controls creativity and confidence. It also influences how a person opens up to others and responds to their feelings. The second chakra is very much influenced by the childhood then they will be able to have a better Swadhishthan Chakra.

The women sexual organs are exactly located in this Chakra. Any wrong functioning of this Chakra may result into sexuality problems. Also if a woman is not able to conceive then the healing of Swadhishthan Chakra is required.

Place: It is below the naval and little above muladhara chakra.

Center: sex organs

Diagram: 6 petals lotus with orange colour.

Beej mantra: वं 

Tattva : water

Mantra: ॐ तप

Name in Sanskrit: वं ,भं, यं, रं ,लं

Adhipati devta: Vishnu

Functions: Tatse capacity is maintained also all  functions  related to reproductive system.

3.Manipur Chakra:

The Manipur Chakra is situated behind the naval. It is also known as Solar plexus. The colour of the Manipur Chakra is yellow. The corresponding element is fire, therefore it is also known as Fire or the Sun Centre. The fire element manifests in the body as heat in the solar plexus. This chakra is the centre of vitality. It controls our energy balance to strengthen and consolidate our health.This Chakra has an effect like a magner, attracting Prana from the Cosmos.

Blockages in this centre can cause many health problems such as digestive disorders, circulatory disease, diabetes and fluctuations in blood pressure. However, a strong and active Manipur Chakra greatly supports good health and assist us in overcoming many illnesses. When the energy of this chakra flows freely, it constantly supplies vitality which bestows balance and strength.

The divinities of this Chakra are Vishnu and Laxmi. Lord Vishnu is the symbol of the evolving human consciousness. Goddess Lakshmi represents material and spiritual prosperity.

Place: Behind Naval

Center: Gives power to sustain something within ourselves.

Dhtan: shining bright 10 lotus petals

Tattva beej : रं

Adhipati devta: Indra , Laxmi

Functions: Power in ourselves. It’s place is in our legs so walking is the function.

4.Anahat Chakra:

The heart Chakra is said to lie to the heart.This chakra is usually depicted as green in colour. The Heart Chakra is very important because it is considered to be the bridge between the spiritual chakras that are situated above the heart and the Chakras that are situated below the Heart. It is well spring of love, warmth , compassion and joy which is located in the centre of the chest at the heart level. Anahat moves love through your life.It is considered as your healing center.Anahat allows us to recognise and get in touch with the scared and fundamentals truth that runs through all of life and connects everything together.

Place: centre of Heart

Diagram: 12 petal lotus

Beej Mantra: यम

Functions: All organs are connected to heart. Senses are controlled by it. Circulation of blood will good.

5.Vishuddhi chakra:

The Vishuddhi chakra is situated in the throat. The colour of Vishuddhi is purple. The corresponding element is “Akasha”, space. The name of the chakra is derives from its particular function. Purification not only occurs on the physical level, but also the physche and mind.

The unpleasant things that we have taken within ourselves and suppressed them in our subconscious mind continue to exist until they are faced and resolved with wisdom.In meditation when individual consciousness is dissolved in Akasha , we attain knowledge and wisdom. Blockage of Vishuddhi chakra produces feelings of anxiety, lack of freedom, thyroid and throat problems.

Place: Throat region near the spine

Diagram: 16 petal lotus with white colour

Adhipati devta: 5 face Shiva

Functions: vakshakti, sense of speaking, shravan shakti(hearing capacity) Knowledge and calmness.

6.Ajna Chakra:

The Ajna chakra is located between the eyebrows. It is also called as the Third eye. It is considered as the king of all the chakras. it is the centre of continuous energy. This chakra provides calmness to our mind. it is the storehouse of good , happy memories. This chakra is mainly related to the brain. Any kind of blockage in this chakra leads to psychosomatic disorders. The three main nadis Ida, Pingala and Sushumna meet in the third eye chakra,thus before awakening kundalini shakti the third eye chakra should be greatly purified and open properly. Awakening of this Chakra gives many siddhis and mystical powers to the seeker. It develops strong will power.

Place: between the eyebrows

Diagram: white milky colour like 2 petal lotus

Adhipati devta: Ardhanareshawara

Beej Mantra: ॐ

Functions: Helps pituitary gland , endocrine gland to function it well. If these two work properly we can have control on mind and whole body.

7. Sahasrara Chakra:

The Sahasrara Chakra is located on the top of the head. It is also known as “Thousand petalled lotus” , “crown chakra “. It is said to be the most subtle chakra in the system, relating to pure consciousness, and it is from this chakra that all other chakras emanate.

The Sahasrara has no special colour or quality. It is pure light , which contains all colours. The energy of all nadis unites in this centre, like the waters of a thousand rivers pouring into the sea. Here is the seat of Shiva , the divine splendor and attainment of supereme consciousness.The corresponding Tattva element is Adi Tattva , the supreme, spiritual tattva. The mantra is the same as the for Ajna Chakra ” Om”.

Place : Top of head

Tattva beej: Visarga (Non- attachment)

Adhipati devta: Parabramha with mahashakti

Functions: Pinneal granthi, mastishka, concentration.

Image credit: Freepik

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